Monday, October 31, 2016

Counting the Days...181

What do I miss most about not being settled in at Betty?  The hosting and decorating!  I LOVED decorating Olin for the holidays and it's a little sad to drive around during this season, especially up here in New England.  All of our entertainment dishware and decor are still boxed and in storage!

I'm not trying to give DH a massive heart attack, but there are only 181 days until move in!!

Easter 2014 @ Dolce Olin

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Curtain Call Update

I wish I could claim responsibility for picking out the winter/holiday curtains, but, I can't.  DH was all over this decision.  I've gotta give it to him, the fabric and color were perfect for Dolce Olin.  

Our grommet curtains were a little bit too perfect.  When the buyers put in an offer on our home, they added a contingency that the sale include our curtains! Do you think they knew they were DIY? 

In the end, I convinced DH to let the curtains go, but I can't say, 10 months later, that I don't miss them!  

I won't bore with you the DIY-details, you can find the directions here.  

DIY All The Way! 

The Perfect Winter Curtains
Dollars and Cents: 
10 panels took 3 days to sew and I ordered the panels at separate times in order to maximize the discount. 

Hardware: same
Fabric: Panels- 30 yards, with a coupon for a total $871.50 (No liner--Fabric is thick and keeps its shape.)
Sewing Machine: Already own one!
Misc: Thread and Grommets $80.00 after 50% off coupon
Savings: $1,298.50; Based on the quote we received for our Spring/Summer curtains, this project would likely have cost us an estimated $450 a window--labor and the heavy fabric.  Winner!