Friday, May 4, 2012

Ceiling Architecture

I have fallen in love with coffered ceilings!  Don't know what they are?  Neither did I until I came across the idea two days ago while Googling  "dining room ideas" for my inspiration board. 


Don't you just want these in your kitchen or dining room??  At first, I thought it unlikely to successfully pull this off with 8 ft ceilings.  But after some online research and measuring the beams currently in my not-yet-done office, I decided that it's doable especially when I'm determined to get it done! 

Yep, that's my determined face

Coffered ceilings have become my obsession for the past two days.  First I found amazing DIY instructions written by Gary Katz, which you can find here.  I measured the room, designed a grid, and went shopping!

This is where math class really pays off

It didn't take long to convince DH to let me take a stab at this especially after receiving a $4,800 quote from a very nice carpenter!  Yep, double my total budget for this room!!  

A new nail gun, some finger jointed pine, and an hour later I built a quarter of my first anchor! 

Only 16 more to go!

I'm so excited to take this on!  Do you think I can do it or am I off my rocker?


  1. The example coffered ceiling makes me want to drool! I am a lover of fancy ceilings. You can totally do it, just watch the dust in your eyes and painstaking detail!

    1. Oh it's taking forever! I just now finished the last darn anchor.
