Sunday, January 14, 2018

Dream Floors Versus Reality

Although I fear my Pinterest membership being revoked, I have to say it.  Wide Plank Flooring, although beautiful, might have been a bad idea.

I'm trying really hard to hold back judgement until the entire floor is installed, but the past 48-hours have been a killer to morale and my back!

I'll save the details for the full installation post, but here's what we were able to get done in 2 days with 2.5 DIYers. 

It took Cody and I a full day to pick out the 'best' boards for the entry way.  And with a toddler at the house, we were actually lucky to get through half of the boards.   

As you can probably imagine, especially if you know Cody, it took us about an hour to decide where to start the first board and why.   After that, we used the craziest glue we've ever worked with in hopes of creating a moisture barrier between the first floor and the crawl space/basement.  Oh, and did I mention that we also had to nail it down?

After six hours, we high fived to 48 SqFt installed.  

Yep, that's what 48SqFt looks like. 

Thank goodness for Coke-a-Cola or this weekend would have been a DIY disaster. 

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